Music as MVC
It's time to take a break with music this spring. Music is your Minimal Viable Connector. The vital reasons for humans to exist are built around stories, music and dance.
When you have no connection with someone try singing! When you are down try humming. What does your company sound like? Did you think that you are not creative enough to make music? How about participating into song making contest and meeting your idol or making cool music to your art? What do you sound like?
These are the questions I'll be working around this spring.
First move was to investing to Musopia and adding the team to my music portfolio last week. Our next step is to focus completing SongHi by the end of February. In March I'll attend SXSW to learn more where education and music meet annually.
Personal challenge includes half a day a week at studio working on my own song backed up by TempoMusic boys.
The Magical Scene from Finnish classic (The Unknown Soldier). Soldier Rokka facing alone enemy of 50 men approaching. Shaking with fear he tells his partner "Try humming like this, it helps always".
Bett London takeaways "The King is back in the building".
Tempo Music studio. Just me and my guitar.
Band workshops at Bett London.